What To Do After A Car Accident

Although most
people experience several car accidents during their lifetime, the
event isn’t common enough for the average person to completely comprehend. Add
to the fact that panic and fear set in after an auto accident and you have a
recipe for disaster. Luckily, it is easy to prepare yourself for an auto
accident and reduce the worry that so many people feel. What should you do
after a car accident?
Medical Attention
Tending to injuries is the first and most important step to take after an auto
accident. Nothing is more important than the safety and well-being of those
involved in the accident. Call 9-1-1 for any serious or life-threatening
injuries. Otherwise, get to the nearest emergency room for medical care.
Remain at the Scene
If there are no medical injuries, remain at the scene of the accident. If you
leave, it is possible to receive a citation for leaving the scene of an
accident, regardless of any deals you’ve worked out with the other driver
involved in the accident. Stay put and get an accident report and other
assurance from law enforcement.
Remain Silent
You probably want to tell someone, anyone about the accident. By nature, we
want to talk to other people when serious incidents happen to get the comfort
and advice, they offer to us. But, this is a good time to remain silent and avoid admitting guilt
to law enforcement or anyone else at the scene of the accident. Anything that
you say can be used against you if the matter goes to court.
Exchange Information
Exchange information with the other driver involved in the accident. This
information is very important in an insurance claim. Name, VIN number, vehicle
make and model, insurance information, and even driver’s license number, and
telephone number are important to have after an accident.
Take Photos
Photos are worth a thousand words in a court of law and may be what you need to
prove your case. While you may not need to file a lawsuit in this matter, it is
too early to tell immediately after the incident. It’s better to be safe than
to be sorry, so do take photos of the scene.
Gather Witness
Do not rely on your memory or hope that your word is enough if your insurance
claim is denied, or other mishaps occur. Gather witness statements from anyone
that saw the accident occur. You never know how beneficial these statements
maybe later down the road.
Contact a Lawyer
Any personal injury lawyer salt lake city
offers free consultations for injury victims. During this consultation, the
lawyer will discuss the specific details of the case to decide the next steps
to take in your matter. You may need a lawyer if the insurance company doesn’t
offer a fair settlement, if you are permanently disabled, and in numerous other
Although it is hopeful that you’ll never endure an automobile accident, there
is a good chance that you will at some point in your life. Make sure that you
are prepared for this unexpected event. Keep the above information in mind to
handle every step of your accident with confidence.