Category: General Articles

Are You In Troubles? Reach For A Good Lawyer

If you’ve found yourself in trouble, Peterson Legal PLLC can help you resolve your issue. The court system and financial system can be complex, but attorneys from Peterson Legal will explain the process in layman’s terms. Unlike many lawyers, Peterson Legal’s attorneys don’t judge their clients – they understand the consequences of poor credit history, debt collectors, etc. The result is compassionate representation and counsel. Peterson Legal has the experience and knowledge to help you navigate these complexities and the law.

Ryan Peterson

As a family law attorney, Ryan Peterson is passionate about helping clients reach their legal goals. Originally from Colorado, Peterson graduated from Colorado State University in 2005 and moved to St. Louis, Missouri, to attend law school. He graduated from Saint Louis University School of Law in May 2008 and was sworn in as a member of the Colorado Bar in October of the same year. His …

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Is there anything I can do to keep my legal fees as low as possible?

Three Tips to Ensure Your Clients Are Comfortable Paying Their Legal Fees –  Law Coaching International

If you want to save money, there are a variety of options available to you. First and foremost, respond completely and honestly to all of your lawyer’s questions. Not only will you feel better, but you will save money on legal fees as well as time. If you provide your lawyer with all of the facts as you know them, you will save time that could otherwise be spent on the case and will assist your lawyer in performing better. Keep in mind that the ethics of the profession require your lawyer to keep almost everything you reveal during your private discussions in the strictest confidence under all circumstances. You should feel free to share all of the details of your case with your attorney, even if some of them are embarrassing to you. It is especially important to disclose to your attorney any facts about your case that reflect …

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Filing Unpaid Wage Claims

Unpaid Wage Claim: An Indispensable Instruction to File in California

If you did not receive the money you should have been given for the work you did, the unpaid wage claim might be your only option. This is a complex process that can be completed with the use of a private action or through an agency of the state. In both cases, you need the help of a Wilkesbarre workers compensation attorney to guide you through the process. 

Claim Types

The Fair Labor Standards Act allows you to place a claim if you are not paid the mandatory minimum wage. In a similar fashion, if you are not paid for how long you worked, you were forced to do work without it counting on the clock, or some unauthorized paycheck deductions appeared, you can file the claim. 

Through state laws, you might still have a basis for several other wage claims. As an example, in some US states, the employer …

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What Are Drunk Driving Accidents and How Serious Are They?

Drunk Driving Accidents | Ross Law - Denton TX Attorney

The worst part of drunk driving accidents is that it’s often not just the passengers in the other car that are killed or severely injured and not usually the individual who was under the influence at the time of the crash. Drunk drivers also kill innocent bystanders. 

There are many factors that can cause a driver to be over consumed and in this case, they end up being very irresponsible drivers. The following tips will help somebody better understand how drunk driving accidents happen and what to do when this has already occurred thanks to information offered by Michigan drunk driving accident lawyers.

Why Do Drunk Driving Accidents Happen?

The majority of drunk driving accidents happen because the driver was driving while intoxicated. This means that the driver does not know the correct serving size of alcoholic drinks to consume. They also do not practice proper safety habits such …

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Some Common Tax Mistakes to Avoid When Creating an Estate Plan

Estate Plan Awareness Week: The Importance of an Estate Plan

Creating an estate plan is one of the essential things to safeguard your assets and relationships. While it’s important to have a legally valid estate plan and will, there is no denying the fact that it’s a tedious process. Any mistake in your estate plan can render your will invalid. When making an estate will, one should not take any chance and keep room for errors. You might be tempted to creating an estate plan on your own. However, doing so will only add to your problems. Thus, it’s recommended to hire a qualified estate planning law firm Virginia Beach.

In this blog, we have listed down some pitfalls to avoid when drafting an estate plan and will.

1. Not creating an estate plan at all

Although people are aware of the problems they can face if they don’t have a valid will and estate plan, most U.S population …

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